Invasive Plants of the Midwest: Plants that are not native to the Midwest, and which cause (or are likely to cause) harm to environmental, economic, and/or human health.


Thank you to those who participated in our annual Emerging Midwest Invasives Survey. We will be updating our Early Detection Species page shortly, but in the meantime, you can see a year-by-year comparison here.

NEW! Herbicide Control Cards for Woody Invasive Plant Management. Check out these new information cards  each covering a different method of herbicide application to control woody invasive plants; cut-stump, basal bark, and hack-and-squirt. 

NEW! Knotweed ID and Management brochure - Check out a new resource from the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture. This brochure provides information to help you identify invasive knotweeds and details various management options, including the proper timing and effectiveness of each method.

MIPN Webinar Recordings - Our most recent series focused on best management practices and success featuring expert presenters who covered invasive knotweed, water chestnut, prescribed goat grazing, herbicide application 101, hybrid milfoil, invasive grasses, and more. Click here to View Recordings.

Public Gardens as Sentinels of Invasive Plants (PGSIP) Resources: The PGSIP initiative has issued its first Plant Alert, highlighting Amur corktree. PGSIP is a network of public gardens pro-actively identifying non-native plants within their collections that are exhibiting invasive tendencies. We have also created a public data dashboard, so anyone interested in early detection can see the most commonly reported taxa in a given state or region. Watch our new video to learn more and find out how your garden or arboretum can participate.

Newsletter Sign Up  Subscribe to our e-Newsletter! You can also view newsletters from 2017 to present via our web archive

Social Media – Visit us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube for all the latest on invasive plants in the Midwest, including relevant events and news.



Ohio River Valley Invasive Species Conference: March 19-20, 2025 in Burlington, Kentucky. MIPN is hosting this new event with the support of local partners in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. Registration is now open! Prospective presenters are invited to submit an abstract. If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event, please review our Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus.

New Article: Crab Apple Conundrum, contributed by staff at The Dawes Arboretum. Learn about crab apple hybridization and spread and help with on-going research to better understand a variant of concern.

WIGL Blog - The Woody Invasives of the Great Lakes Collaborative contains up-to-date information on 28 woody invasive plants that are regulated in the Great Lakes region. Recent additions to the blog cover managing buckthorn, landscape alternatives to Callery pear and burning bush, and assessing non-native willows.

Invasive Plant List – This list of over 450 plants includes how each plant is categorized by each state/province in MIPN's region, as well as links to state/province plant lists and regulations. An updated list will be posted in 2025.

Do you have questions about how to identify or control woody invasive plants? Or about how they are regulated? Visit the website for the Woody Invasives of the Great Lakes Collaborative at

Resources to Locate Native Plant and Ecological Service Providers in the Midwest Click here to access two directories intended to promote post-control revegetation with native plants. The directories were compiled by MIPN with support from the US Forest Service and are intended for CWMAs/CISMAs and other land managers. If your business would like to be added to our directory, please fill out our Google form.

Landscape Alternatives – This free mobile app is available for iOS and Android and provides alternatives for over 40 invasive plants found in the Great Lakes region. Search "Landscape Alternatives" in your app store to download. We also have a print version, with alternatives to 13 common invasive plants. 

Free Publications: Revegetating with Natives – MIPN worked with the USFS to develop two guides on revegetating with native plants to ward off invasives; one for homeowners and one for natural area managers. Download accessible pdfs free here or customize and co-brand these as outreach materials here.

UMISC 2024, November 12-14, Duluth, Minnesota – MIPN is once again partnered with the Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin and the Minnesota Invasive Plant Advisory Council to host the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference in Duluth, MN. Thank you to all the presenters, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, and artists that made this a great event. 600 attendees joined us for this event. We look forward to seeing you in La Crosse, Wisconsin Oct 6-8, 2026.