*Click Here* for MIPN's Invasive Plant Control Database

Check out our database of control techniques, which compiles and ranks the effectiveness of control methods for many invasive plants common to the Midwest. Information in the database reflects scientific literature review, consultation with experts in the field, and user input. In fact, if you have experience controlling any of the species listed below, you can help improve the database by submitting a case study. Each case study includes details about the control method used, the specific location treated, and the effectiveness of the treatment. We are happy to receive case studies for methods included in the database that either support or counter the effectiveness ranking in the database, and we are happy to receive case studies for methods not currently included in the database as well. The project is the result of a partnership between MIPN and the Weed Science Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Cooperative Extension.

Plants included in the database are:

Amur honeysuckle
Asian bittersweet
Autumn olive
Bird's-foot trefoil
Black locust
Black swallow-wort
Border privet
Bull thistle
Canada thistle
Common buckthorn
Common privet
Common tansy
Common teasel
Creeping bellflower
Cut-leaved teasel

Dame's rocket
European marsh thistle
Field bindweed
Garlic mustard
Glossy buckthorn
Hill mustard
Hybrid cattail
Japanese barberry
Japanese hedge-parsley
Japanese honeysuckle
Japanese hop
Japanese knotweed
Japanese stiltgrass
Leafy spurge
Morrow's honeysuckle & x. Bell's
Multiflora rose

Musk thistle
Narrow-leaved cattail
Plumeless thistle
Poison hemlock
Purple loosestrife
Russian olive
Sericea lespedeza
Spotted knapweed
Spreading hedge-parsley
Tartarian honeysuckle & x. Bell's
White sweetclover
Wild chervil
Wild parsnip
Yellow sweetclover

Management Handbooks & Resources

Woody Invasives of the Great Lakes Collaborative (MIPN Resource) - Published in 2020, this site provide a comprehensive overview of the management practices known to be effective on woody plant species. The PDF generator feature on every page allows users to build their own handbooks.

Woody Invasive Plant Management Demos - The Renz Weed Science Lab (2023) is conducting demonstrations of woody invasive plant management at several sites in Wisconsin. You can take a virtual tour of their demonstration sites where they are managing common buckthorn, bush honeysuckle, and Japanese barberry. You can also access information on the effectiveness and cost of each demonstrated herbicide method. 

Managing Invasive Plants: Concepts, Principles, and Practices, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2009. This modular training guide provides an overview of the scientific and management concepts that underpin successful invasive plant management. It includes case studies, quizzes, references to scientific literature, and links to other web-based resources.

Integrated Vegetation Management Handbook - H-1740-2, United States Bureau of Land Management, 2008. (pdf - 5 MB). Integrated vegetation management is the practice of integrating multiple invasive plant management and revegetation strategies to meet plant community management goals. Although this guide focuses on the specific program elements used by BLM, many of the approaches are broadly applicable.

Weed Control Management Handbook: Tools and Techniques for Use in Natural Areas, The Nature Conservancy, 2003 (pdf - 1.5 MB). This guidebook includes overviews and important considerations for a number of invasive plant control and natural area management methods, including physical removal, grazing, prescribed fire programs, biological control and herbicide use.

Identifying and Managing Aquatic Vegetation - APM-3-W, Purdue Extension, 2009 (pdf - 2.5 MB). This guide discusses ecological problems caused by an over-abundance of aquatic vegetation and provides information on aquatic invasive plant identification and control methods. 

Targeted Grazing: A natural approach to vegetation management and landscape enhancement, University of Idaho, 2006 (pdf - 11.5 MB). Targeted gazing, also known as prescribed grazing, is the strategic employment of livestock to meet land management objectives. This guidebook describes the basic framework and considerations for the use of grazing as a tool to control unwanted vegetation. 

Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: Fire and Non-Native Invasive Plants, U.S. Forest Service, 2008 (pdf - 14.5 MB). This guide explores the use of prescribed fire as a management tool for nonnative invasive plants. It synthesizes scientific information, addresses plants of concern by bioregion, and discusses emerging issues.

Best Practices Handbook for Roadside Vegetation Management, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2008 (pdf - 5 MB). This handbook describes best strategies and practices for managing roadside vegetation, including management planning, public relations, weed/invasives control, and use of native plant species.

Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2017. This technical guide addresses roadside vegetation management based on goals related to pollinator habitat enhancement. In addition to special considerations related to pollinator needs, it includes broadly applicable information on site preparation, weed management, implementation and monitoring.


Management Resources (Multiple Species)

Invasipedia - This wiki-style resource houses information on invasive plants, animals, and pathogens and their management. Its foundation is the large amount of species management information developed by the The Nature Conservancy's Global Invasive Species Team. 

Invasive Species: Manager's Toolkit - National Invasive Species Information Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Illinois Nature Preserves Commission Invasive Species Management Guidelines - This site includes an overview and guide to vegetation management, along with specific guidelines for 40 invasive and native-but-weedy species. Species guidelines updated in 2017.


Management Resources (Single Species)

Asian bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.)

  • "Herbicide Treatments for Controlling Invasive Bush Honeysuckle in a Mature Hardwood Forest in West-Central Indiana," Rathfon, R. and K. Ruble, 2007, Proceedings of the 15th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. (pdf - 454 kB)


Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

  • Callery pear presentation, including control methods. Belcher, J., 2007, (pdf - 5 MB)
  • Callery pear flyer, developed by the Missouri Department of Conservation (pdf - 404 kB)


Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)

  • Canada thistle lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)

  • Common buckthorn lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Common reed (Phragmites australis ssp australis)

  • Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative, website featuring management techniques, best practices guides, case studies, and more. Funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
  • "Phragmites Field Guide: Distinguishing Native and Exotic Forms of Common Reed in the United States," USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Boise, Idaho, 2012. (pdf - 1 MB)
  • "Effect of Glypro Herbicide On The Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Community In A Recently Burned Phragmites Marsh", This study in Ohio looked at the impact of Glypro, applied to control Phragmites, on the wetland macroinvertebrate community. (MS Word - 70 kB)
  • "Invasive Phragmites – Best Management Practices 2011" Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, Ontario. (pdf - 4 MB)


Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)

  • Common tansy lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)


Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

  • Garlic Mustard in the Midwest: An Overview for Managers, MIPN, 2021 (pdf - 4.6 MB)
  • Garlic Mustard Management Options, Michigan State University.
  • Garlic Mustard ID and Management Fact Sheet, Wisconsin DNR, 2006. (pdf - 1 MB)
  • Garlic mustard lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus)

  • Glossy buckthorn lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)

  • Great Lakes Hydrilla Collaborative website featuring comprehensive information about early detection, management, and monitoring techniques; case studies; research findings; and more. Funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.


Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)


Knotweed species (Polygonum spp./Fallopia spp.)

  • MIPN's Homeowners' guide to Japanese knotweed management (pdf)
  • ID and Treatment Brochure, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, 2018. (pdf - 7 MB)
  • Knotweeds lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata)


Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula)

  • Leafy spurge lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Lesser celandine/fig buttercup  (Ficaria verna/Ranunculus ficaria)


Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora)

  • Multiflora rose lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Narrowleaf bittercress (Cardamine impatiens)

  • Narrowleaf bittercress lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)

  • Conservation Practice Job Sheet - Brush Management, Oriental Bittersweet, National Resource Conservation Service (New Hampshire) (pdf - 131 kB)
  • Oriental Bittersweet Best Control Practices, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, 2012 (pdf - 321 kB)


Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)

  • Palmer amaranth identification and treatment, information by Hartzler, B., College of Agriculture Life Sciences and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, 2016.
  • "Palmer Amaranth Biology, Identification, and Management" Purdue Extension, Legleiter, T. and Johnson, Bill, 2013. (pdf - 1 MB) Copies of the article can be purchased here by searching for WS-51.


Plumeless thistle (Carduus acanthoides)

  • Plumeless thistle lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)

  • Purple loosestrife lifecycle graph, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 3 MB)


Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea)

  • Reed canary grass control information, Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture, includes 
  • "Reed Canary Grass Management Guide: Recommendations for Landowners and Restoration Professionals" Wisconsin Reed Canary Management Working Group, 2009. (pdf - 2 MB)


Spotted knapweed (Centaurea spp.)

  • Spotted knapweed prevention and management, Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture.
  • "Spotted Knapweed Best Management Practices in Ontario," Ontario Invasive Plant Council (pdf - 3 MB)
  • Spotted knapweed lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)

  • Wild parsnip lifecycle graphic, developed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota Extension (pdf - 2 MB)


If you are interested in sharing information about your work in control and management or have a question about how to control other invasive plant species, please contact us!