Midwest Early Detection Plant Species

A regional early detection species is one that is either: a) not yet present in the Midwest, but is prevalent and spreading in neighboring regions, or b) present in the Midwest in relatively small or isolated populations with high risk of further spread. 

Photos of Japanese stiltgrass, Callery pear, and Japanese chaff flower

Japanese stilgrass, Callery pear, and Japanese chaff flower were the invasive plants most frequently named in our 2023 survey (images from bugwood.org)


In the Fall of 2023, MIPN once again issued a survey to invasive plants experts across our region of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Ontario, and Wisconsin. We asked them to identify early detection species for the Midwest region. We received a total of 73 responses from across the entire MIPN region in which 56 different species or species complexes were named. We have selected 12 plants to highlight this year based on the number of states that reported a species, how many times a species was named, and our professional expertise. Plants listed in bold are of greater concern to experts this year than they were in 2022, below this list we identify which species are of greatest concern to each state and province in MIPN's region.



Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

Japanese chaff flower (Achyranthes japonica)

Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)

Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipendunculata)

Swallow-worts (Cynanchum louiseae and C. rossicum)

Teasels (Dipsacus species)

Lesser celendine (Ficaria verna)

Amur corktree (Phellodendron amurense)

Small carpetgrass (Arthraxon hispidus)

Chinese silvergrass (Miscanthus sinensis)

Mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata)


Early Detection Species of Greatest Concern by State/Province

Listed below are the top two plants that were named the greatest concern for each state/province. In the case of an even number of responses, more than two species are listed:



Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata)



Japanese chaff flower (Achyranthes japonica)

Small carpetgrass (Arthraxon hispidus)

Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata)



Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)



Japanese chaff flower (Achyranthes japonica)

Lesser celendine (Ficaria verna)



Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum)

Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perfoliata)



Japanese hops (Humulus japonicus)

Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

Swallow-worts (Cynanchum spp.)



Japanese chaff flower (Achyranthes japonica)

Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)

Teasels (Dipsacus spp.)



Japanese chaff flower (Achyranthes japonica)

Japanese stiltgrass (microstegium vimineum)

Lesser celendine (Ficaria verna)



Swallow-worts (Cynanchum spp.)

Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum)



Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum)


A similar survey was completed in 2020 and 2022.
To see a year-by-year comparison of which species were reported click here


Learn to Identify and Report Invasive Species

We encourage people who spend a lot of time outdoors to become familiar with early detection species and to report sightings using tools like EDDMapS or MISIN and/or directly to a CISMA/CWMA or other local natural resources authorities. If land managers are made aware of new instances of these species soon after they arrive, they can take action to control and hopefully eradicate these populations before they become large in size. 

State agencies and/or invasive plant councils often maintain lists of state-specific priority early detection species, which are linked below. We have also compiled some species-specific resources to help with identification and control recommendations for early detection species. Do you have a resource related to an early detection species that you'd like us to share? Please contact us.


State Early Detection Resources and Priority Lists

Defining early detection species on a regional level can be tricky. It is also valuable for people to know what species are new and spreading in their neck of the woods. State agencies and invasive plant councils are a great resource, as are any local CWMAs. Here are some state-wide resources that we have identified:

  • Indiana Invasive Species Council - New Invasive Plants to Watch For, 2018 (pdf)
  • Michigan Department of Natural Resources - Watch List, 2023 (pdf)
  • Minnesota Departments of Natural Resources and Agriculture - Keep a Lookout, 2017 (pdf)
  • Missouri Invasive Plant Council - Top Invasive Plants in Missouri
  • Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Watch List, 2000 (pdf)
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources - NR-40 List, 2015 (pdf)
    • "Prohibited" and "Prohibited/Restricted" plants can be considered early detection species in WI


Species Specific Resources


(listed by habitat type and alphabetically by Latin name)

Terrestrial Species

Aquatic Species