Oral Sessions - Monday October 17th, 2016

If the talk title appears in gray, the speaker did not give permission for his or her presentation to be posted on the MIPN website or MIPN never received a copy of the presentation.



Identification of Native and Exotic Aquatic Plants of the Upper Midwest Paul Skawinski*12, Michelle Nault3 , Susan Knight4 ; 1 Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, 2UW-Extension Lakes Program, 3 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 4 University of Wisconsin – Trout Lake Station

Identification of Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes Steve Eggers1 , Patricia Trochlell2 ; 1 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 




Tell Me a Story: Communicating about Invasives in the Information Age Matt Miller, The Nature Conservancy

Finding Opportunities for Native Habitat along Rights-of-Way Iris Caldwell, P.E. Energy Resources Center (ERC), University of Illinois at Chicago

Why Biological Invasions Matter Anthony Ricciardi, Redpath Museum and the School of Environment at McGill University




Inspection and Decontamination Policy, Protocols and Effective Data Management

Tracking the Zebra Mussel: Analyzing Watercraft Inspection Data for Effective Lake Monitoring Baishali Bakshi*1, Adam Doll2 ; 1 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Data Governance Unit, 2 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

An Overview of Watercraft Inspections in the State of Minnesota Adam Doll, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Wisconsin DNR’s Decontamination and Disinfection Manual Code Maureen Ferry*1, Julia Riley1 , Amanda Perdzock2 , David Rowe1 , Timothy Campbell3 ; 1 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2 River Alliance of Wisconsin, 3 University of Wisconsin Extension

Clean Boats, Clean Waters: Citizens and Staff Work Together to Protect Wisconsin’s Lakes Erin McFarlane, UW-Extension Lakes

Enhanced Training for AIS Watercraft Inspectors in Cass County MN Rima Smith-Keprios, Cass County, Minnesota BALLROOM B Dreissenid (Zebra and Quagga Mussel) Research and Control – 1 Moderator: James Luoma, USGS Environmental Science Center


Dreissenid (Zebra and Quagga Mussel) Research and Control – 1

Effects of Cyanobacteria on Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) Reproduction Anna Boegehold*1, Karim Alame1 , Donna Kashian1 , Nick Johnson2 ; 1 Wayne State University, 2 U.S. Geological Survey

Combating Dreissenids in Open Water and in Water Transport Vectors with Zequanox Carolyn Link, Marrone Bio Innovations

Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Eradication Efforts in Christmas Lake, Minnesota Keegan Lund*1, Eric Fieldseth2 , Dr. Michael McCartney3 , Kylie Cattoor1, Jill Sweet2 ; 1 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 2 Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, 3 University of Minnesota

Effects of Zequanox Exposure to Non-Target Fish James Luoma* , Diane Waller, Todd Severson, Jeremy Wise, Matt Barbour; U.S. Geological Survey

Pattern of Spread of Zebra Mussel in Minnesota Sophie Mallez* , Michael McCartney; Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center at the University of Minnesota SOUTH HALL B1 Invasive Species Management on Tribal Lands -1 Moderators: Tyler Kaspar, 1854 Treaty Authority & Susan Burks, Minnesota DNR


Invasive Species Management on Tribal Lands – 1

Working with Native American Peoples: Key Tribal Partners and the Work They Do Tyler Kaspar*1, Miles Falck2 , Joe Mortzheim3 , Pat Pelky4 ; 1 1854 Treaty Authority, 2 Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, 3 U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, 4 Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council

Federal Quarantine Regulations and Their Implication for Tribal Lands (Part 1) JoAnn Cruse*1, Patrick Pelky2 ; 1 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2 Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council 2:00 pm Federal Quarantine Regulations and Their Implication for Tribal Lands (Part 2) JoAnn Cruse*1, Patrick Pelky2 ; 1 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2 Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council

Implementation of Invasive Species Management Based on Large-scale Inventory and Prioritization Paul Quinlan*1, Randy Poelma2 ; Cardno, Inc., 2 Ho-Chunk Nation Division of Environmental Health


Locally Led Efforts

Michigan’s Invasive Species Program Christina Baugher, Michigan Department of Natural Resources

WePIC Jennifer Ricker, Iron Baraga Conservation District

An RC&D-led Regional AIS Program Providing Services in 8 Counties Amy Thorstenson, Golden Sands RC&D and Portage, Marathon, Waupaca, Waushera, and Wood Counties

Living the Dream as a ‘Top Ten’ County: Cass County MN Rima Smith-Keprios, Cass County, Minnesota

Hubbard County - Local Partnerships With Resorts and Townships Kenneth Grob, Hubbard County

Locally Led AIS efforts Tera Guetter, Pelican River Watershed District

A Review of One Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator Model in Wisconsin Diane Schauer, Calumet County, WI


Dreissenid (Zebra and Quagga Mussel) Research and Control – 2

Ecology and Genetics of Zebra Mussel Spread in Minnesota: Results and Plans Michael McCartney* , Sophie Mallez; University of Minnesota

The Potential of eDNA to Guide Site Selection for Zebra Mussel Control Christopher Merkes*1, Richard Erickson1 , Christopher Rees2 , Jon Amberg1 , James Luoma1 ; 1U.S. Geological Survey, 2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

A Rapid Response Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Control Project, Ruth Lake, Minnesota Richard Rezanka* , Daniel Swanson (retired), Michael Duval; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide as a Dreissenid Mussel Control Tool Diane Waller* , Michelle Bartsch, Matt Barbour, Jeremy Wise, Todd Severson; U.S. Geological Survey

Control of Dreissenid Mussels with a More Rational Use of Copper David Hammond, Earth Science Labs


Invasive Species Management on Tribal Lands – 2

The Vanishing Goblin Fern: Negative Effects of Non-native Earthworms Bobby Henderson, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Division of Resource Management

Adapting to Emerald Ash Borer: Planting Replacement Species in the Understory Shannon Kesner* , Christian Nelson; Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

Is Phragmites Being Spread by Waste Water Treatment Facilities? Todd Norwood, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Treaty Natural Resources Division

Using Drones to Monitor Invasive Species and Wetland Restorations Michael Arce, Oneida Environmental Health and Safety Division


How to Recruit and Manage Volunteers

Tips for Recruiting and Managing Volunteers to Help with Invasive Species Management Andrea Lorek Strauss, University of Minnesota Extension

Mobilizing Citizens: Increasing Volunteer Involvement and Early Detection on Wisconsin’s Rivers Amanda Perdzock, River Alliance of Wisconsin

Development and Enhancement of the Michigan Invasive Aquatic Plant Citizen Monitoring Program Angela De Palma-Dow* , Jo Latimore; Michigan State University

AIS Detectors and Trackers: WANTED Eleanor Burkett* , Megan Weber; University of Minnesota Extension

Invasive Blitz: Expanded Roles for Volunteers Andrea Lorek Strauss*1, Terri Dugan2 , Dawn Littleton2 ; University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Master Naturalist